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What are the 7 Leadership Qualities of Great Leaders?

What are the 7 Leadership Qualities of Great Leaders?
Perhaps being a leader may look like a very easy task, something that can be easily accomplished. But trust us, it takes a lot of effort and resilience to become a good and effective leader. There are numerous days of criticism and backlashes that one faces from his team, be it your fault or not. And then you finally evolve as a great leader. Amongst all the tasks that exist in the world, leadership is the toughest of all of them, yet the most rewarding job role; if performed dutifully. 
A lot of you, who are reading this article may be leading a team or an organization and wish to be a better commander in the eyes of your teamsmen. But you might not know where to start from. Don’t worry, in this article, we have rendered 7 leadership qualities that a leader has for you to help navigate through this challenging task. Once you go through these leadership qualities mentioned by us, you will find handling your team easy. Come let’s take a quick look at each one of them.

7 Leadership Qualities that a Leader Has

1. Thinking Strategically

Before managing a team, a leader’s first task is to handle himself. This involves having a clear image of what has to be done, how it has to be done, and how can he allocate people and resources towards accomplishing this task. Organizing oneself is the first step to becoming a good leader. Once a person knows what they need to do and has a clear image of all the work ahead, navigating tasks becomes easier. This is one of the many leadership qualities that make an ordinary person an extraordinary leader. Chart down all the tasks and assignments for the week and create a road map for them. Then discuss them with your teammates and get started on it. You will be able to see the results eventually.

2. Empathy

A leader was once himself an ordinary employee. Hence he knows all the problems employees face in an organization. A good leader addresses his teammates with utmost respect and talks to them whenever they face any shortcomings. He knows that his team is more than any other thing and listens to them willfully. To become a great leader, first, sit and talk to your colleagues, listen to their queries, and make them feel comfortable and heard. If you excel in developing this quality within you without fail, you have already become a good commander in front of them.

What are the 7 Leadership Qualities of Great Leaders?

What are the 7 Leadership Qualities of Great Leaders?
